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Inventory and Vulnerability Assessment of IT Infrastructures



With Ocelot, removing blind spots in your infrastructure management and detecting vulnerabilities in advance is easy

Screenshot of the dashboard of Ocelot Tool


Know your security posture

Because prevention is the best defense

Improved visibility

Knowing your network is the first step towards optimizing it. Detect undocumented devices or wrong network configurations in a few clicks!

Vulnerability management

Remove risks by immediately knowing when obsolete or insecure devices are present in your network.


Asset inventories and detailed vulnerability reports simplify auditing processes in your company.


Flexible and Powerful

Let Ocelot do the heavy lifting for you

Screenshot of the last step scan made by Ocelot
Flexible scheduling.
Regular vulnerability scans detect potential vulnerabilities as soon as they appear. Configure once and let Ocelot do the rest.
Exclusions management
Sensitive devices? Easily remove them from vulnerability scans to avoid downtime.
Detailed reporting
Gain immediate knowledge of the state of your network. Executive summary, inventory tables, customized findings, technical details: all are included.
Endpoint analysis
Quickly build an inventory of installed software and other endpoint configuration.
Network score
See how your network improves as you make changes to enhance your security posture.
Screenshot of the first step scan made by Ocelot

Fine-grained scan configuration

Configure exactly what needs to be scanned and when. A lightweight port scan allows you to see what's on your network, while a full vulnerability scan detects potential risks in your network. With the ability to plan multiple recurring scans, it is possible to analyze productivity-critical devices outside business hours, for extra peace of mind.

Screenshot of the second step scan made by Ocelot

Setup and forget

Once configured, Ocelot works autonomously and makes full use of hyper threading to perform parallel scans as fast as possible. Once a scan completes, a quick overview is immediately presented, while a customized report will be emailed to you after a few days.

Interested in knowing more?

Contact us to book a demo or ask further questions. You can also find more information by downloading our free product flyer.